He has made everything beautiful in it's time...Ecclesiastes 3:11 |
Friday's sonogram came back with some positive news. While Amelia STILL wasn't cooperating with getting a good sonogram pic, we were able to see many things. She's weighing in at 2.5 lbs and measuring on target. Amniotic fluid is abundant and while I'm still slightly funneling above the stitch, my cervical length is 2.5 cm's. A half centimeter longer than when I had the stitch placed at week 19.
Amelia is in breech position with her bum up and head down. We're told her feet are to her head which is kind of silly but each time we've had a sono, she's seemed to like this position and refuses to move for anyone! In fact, when the sonographer tapped on my belly to get her to move a little...Amelia kicked her right back! Silly girl.
I have been given permission to move around a bit more within reason. More rides and I'll actually be able to get to my cousins wedding. Two weeks after that will be my shower. The fun part begins.
While we're waiting on Amelia's pediatric cardiologist appointment the end of this month to confirm she has no hole in her heart or VSD, we're leaning on God and asking that He put a bubble of protection around her to keep her safe from harm. I am encouraged that He has helped us both through so much and He has his hand in both our health concerns.
12 wks to go to term and only 8 more of 17P injections to keep from having preterm labor. Stitch also comes out the same week. It will be very interesting to see when Amelia will be born. I'm praying at 29wks the first week in October.
We're going to try to get a 3D picture out of the deal in 4wks IF our little girl cooperates. Our pictures to this point have been fuzzy which is why we haven't posted too many. Friday's came out somewhat better than the rest so we'll post it today.
Praise God for good news and answered prayers. May He continue to hold us both and keep Amelia safe and healthy until her due date in October.